Hello, my name is
Praneeth AllurI
And I'm a Front-End Developer

About me

I'm Praneeth_AllurI and I'm a Front-End Developer

with the knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ReactJS and NextJS. I enjoy building Web Applications with the skills I possess. A fresher who learnt languages on his own to represent himself as a Software Engineer. Download CV

My skills

My creative skills

My Skills includeHTMLCSS JavaScriptTailwindCSS ReactJS Redux NextJS



Insta-clone (instaxit)
Stack: NextJS React TailwindCSS

A Instagram-Clone made using nextjs, tailwindCSS, realtime firebase database and Google Authentication with CRUD functionality.

Movies App
Stack: React Axios Firebase

A Movie Clone using third party movies API and Axios for API requests. ->Go check out the trailers of movies listed

Hotel booking-app
Stack: React-Router Firebase

Hotel booking application with date picker functionality, upto 10 days of room booking. note: This app is not responsive

Stack: React Firebase

A Messaging Clone made using React + Firebase. The user can send message and n number of people can the join the chat and text.

Stack: NextJs TailwindCSS Vercel

Explore the corners of the world with the search engine, which built using nextJS, TailwindCSS and GoogleAPI (fetch data).

NodeJS Project
Stack: NodeJS Express

Express is a minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that provides a robust set of features for web and mobile applications.


Data fetching with Axios in ReactJS

I started a project on react, In which I needed to fetch data from API and I encountered some difficulties in fetching data.After some...

Next.js Router and React Router: Difference

Background Before we dive into the topic, it helps to have some background. What is React,it was originally created by Facebook and...

Firebase: Upgrade from version 8 to modular web SDK (v9)

Recently, the Firebase has changed it's version from 8 to modular web SDK(v9). They had updated all the methods of using firebase databse...
